November 2015

3rd November

Scrub clearance and wall repair at Hampsfield Allotment

4th November

Fell Care Day at Shap. We are booked to do hedge-laying. Please contact Stephen Lockwood if you want transport. Leaving early!

10th November

Scrub clearance and wall repair at Hampsfield Allotment

11th November

Preparing bird and bat box kits at Dog Kennel Wood.

17th November

Scrub clearance and wall repair at Hampsfield Allotment (If the minibus door is repaired in time)

18th November

Helping Horticare dig up their saplings at Dog Kennel Wood.

24th November

Helping the children to make bird and bat boxes at Heron Hill School. Meet at DKW at 9am, or at Heron Hill School at 12am.

25th November

Maintenance work at Dog Kennel Wood.

Unless otherwise stated, meet at Dog Kennel Wood at 9am for all activities.

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